L'Arbre Musicien

I participate in the realization of the new park

Goal: CHF 600'000.-

CHF 535'000


The Musician Tree

This second project of the concept “ Seeing through Touch” will be implemented in Sion, close to the Cantonal College for Music. On a one hundred and fifty meter walk the visitor will discover seventeen bronze pieces illustrating a fairy tale. Each one comes with a vine stock holding two parchments explaining the story in French and German as well as Braille writing in both languages.

The project fully responds to the requirements of article 30 of the 2008 UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, particularly with regard to sensory and intellectual mobility, in order to improve the beneficiaries’ autonomy.

This new project claims to bring people together. In this perspective everybody has the possibility to participate in its creation by donating according to his/her possibilities.

Seeing through Touch

A first park, “Automn Legend”, has been installed in Lausanne in 2015, “The Musician Tree” is the second realization in Switzerland, the same concept for a different story.

For many years the artist Sara.H had a dream: to realize sculptures for the blind, to offer them the possibility to “see” with their hands instead of understanding art through the eyes of somebody else.

The idea of “Seeing through touch” was born in 2006 with the goal to create sculpture parks for impaired people and particularly for the blind. Those places of exchange and communication should be freely accessible at any time to the whole population.

A Unique Concept

The work of art is one of a kind. Instead of a single sculpture it offers a line of sixteen, twenty or more to be discovered on a simple walk. Each sculpture comes with explanations in conventional and Braille writing.

The sculptures are playful and also educational and make art accessible to everybody. People use their fingers and explore the gentle forms of the bronze: a book, a figurine, a tree, a bird, and get inspired by the magic, wisdom, hope, and joy expressed with poetry by the sculptor.


The work is displayed in an easily accessible and urban open space, enhancing exchange between people in an environment that removes barriers of age, nationality and society.

According to the artist’s wish, the parc will be exclusively financed by donations and offered to the city dedicating the appropriate environment.

The goal is definitely not a temporary exhibition but a long-term installation. This also determines the choice of the material, bronze: noble, timeless and lasting.

Realisations & Projets

Légende d’Automne - Autumn Legend
his first park has been installed at Lausanne /Switzerland in 2015

L’Arbre Musicien - Musician Tree
Creation of the second park is planned at Sion /Switzerland in 2022

Human Rights Sculpture Park
A project in preparation in USA
and in Switzerland
Discover in USA
Discover in Switzerland

The book

Long time ago Sara.H has written and illustrated a book “The Musician Tree”, that became the basis for the bronze work. The book is only available in French and German but we offer you here the English text.

You may want to ask for the book to the association but also find it in libraries

French : N° ISBN 978-3-9524709-47
German : N° ISBN 978-3-9524709-54

Price: CHF 20.-
Ask for the book